Field of Dreams | Teen Ink

Field of Dreams

March 14, 2013
By Crew Blankman BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
Crew Blankman BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
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The film Field of Dreams directed by Phil Alden Robinson, is a very inspiring, but different movie that the viewer would not normally come across. The movie is about a troubled man who suffers from a strange relationship with his father that leads him into doing something most ordinary people would never do. Ray Kinsella, the protagonist in the story had grown up with just a father who he had a bad relationship with. When he leaves for college he did not know that he would meet the love of his life and never see his father again. Ray later finds out his father dies and he had to live with the fact that his father never knew that he really loved him. Years later, he moves to Iowa and buys a farm with his wife, Annie. There, the two have a child named Karin. As Ray got around to his mid thirties, he enters, what some might call, a mid-life crisis.

One day, Ray is working in his cornfield when he hears a voice say, “If you build it, he will come.” He does not know who or what the voice is talking about and ends up hearing the same line in the same voice for the next few days. Days after his first encounter with the voice, Ray hears the same exact line and looks off into his cornfield and sees the vision of a baseball field. He then understood what the words meant. The voice is telling him to build a baseball field in his cornfield.

When he tells his wife, she is surprised and thinks her husband has gone insane. Even though she disagreed with what he said and thought he was crazy, she supported her husband in his vision. People all over the town could not believe what they heard.

By this time, Ray had put all of his savings into this field all so he could follow his dreams. In a town where nothing interesting happens, an average farmer cuts down most of his cornfield, which is his primary source of income, just to build a baseball field in Iowa. After Ray puts up the baseball field, and by this time, is losing more money he one day sees in the field, his father’s hero, “Shoeless” Joe Jackson. This was the point of no return. He now sees that this field is magical and full of dreams.

The cinematography was good in quality and all around, showed the viewer an artistic version of baseball. When Ray had been reunited with his father, the camera had faded out and showed a big picture of the field during sundown which made the scene that much more dramatic. It overall had shown an interesting point of view. The music in the movie was very inspiring and tied in very nicely with the film. The acting was mediocre but Kevin Costner and the rest of the cast had played their part to the best of its ability. James Earl Jones was an exception. In the film he had played Terrance Mann who was a retired writer that just wanted to be left alone, out of the public eye. Jones had given an exceptional performance and showed great acting ability. In the film, he showed heart, compassion and wisdom, which added to the story.

Baseball enthusiasts and people who enjoy fictional stories would definitely find this movie entertaining. It gave baseball history all throughout the film and as a movie had a very nice plot and overall had an excellent storyline.


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