The Lucky Ones | Teen Ink

The Lucky Ones

May 8, 2012
By Laura Haerri BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Laura Haerri BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
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Another Nicholas Sparks classic made into a Hollywood hit, “The Lucky One” is sure to jerk a few tears and melt a few hearts. This Warner Bros movie hit theaters April 20th and stars Zac Efron as the leading male and Taylor Shilling as his lucky leading lady. The movie starts off with Logan Thibault (Zac Efron) overseas as a marine. After coming across picture of Beth (Taylor Shilling), he miraculously escapes death numerous times. He says, “I promised myself that if I made it out, I would find that girl, and thank her for saving my life,” and he does. As a single mother with an abusive ex-husband, Beth is stand-offish when Logan first comes to her “pet hotel”, but it isn’t long before their romance begins. Those disappointed with the Hollywood production of “The Vow”, another Nicholas Sparks novel, will be relieved to know that “The Lucky One” has more of the Nicholas Sparks vibe his books-made-into-movies like “Dear John” and “The Notebook” usually have. It is set in the South and has those complex family relationships usually found in his stories. Zac Efron has come far since his “High School Musical” days and this more grown-up role is sure to set the tone for roles to come. This is definitely a romantic chick-flick, so guys, be warned, but I definitely recommend this movie.


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