Elf | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By 2025098 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2025098 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the holiday season, and it's snowing while scrolling on the tv looking for a movie to watch to kill some time; and then “Elf” shows up. This is a great comedic movie around christmas time with family and friends. So if it's time to kill some time during the winter break this might be a good choice. But first, The storyline about a human elf. Will this movie be a good choice? It's a lot of comedy. And looking for a family movie because this will be a great one for that. There are some spoilers coming up.
First the story line or a little backstory I would say. It's gonna start off this movie with a guy talking about what is happening so i'll take his role here and tell some things now. There was a boy named Buddy who lived at an orphanage, and on Christmas night he crawled into Santa's bag. So then Santa finishes what he's been doing, delivering the toys. So then buddy ends up at the north pole! The elves didn't know what to do but they ended up raising him. And when he got old enough he went to the city to try and find his family. And once he finds his family they do end up taking him in but they thought it was a joke. And that's all I'm going to talk about now because I don't want to talk about too much. Next will this be a good movie
Next, will this be a good movie? Well first of all do you even like a christmas movie, if not probably not going to be a good movie then. There's elfs everywhere and at the north pole so it's a lot of Christmas. And it is also a comedy movie. The main character is always making jokes and being funny at all times. This movie is also going to have a person talking in the background so if you don't like that i would not recommend watching this movie. This movie is going to take an hour and thirty seven minutes to watch so this will be a shorter movie. Next how this is a family movie
Lastly, I will be talking about how this is a family movie. If you see yourself sitting inside on christmas break with family because it's too cold to go play outside, Go sit down by the tv and find the movie “Elf” (it is on disney plus. And don't forget to get the popcorn popping. This can also be a good movie if it's getting late at night because it is only one hour and thirty seven minutes long.
In conclusion, the artifact I am using is a comedy Christmas movie “Elf”. So just remember next time you are stuck inside and you're looking for a movie to watch, don't forget the movie “Elf”. So I'm hoping for me to talk a little about the story line, how this will be a good movie for you, and how it is a good family movie. So I just hope I helped find a good movie next time you are wanting to watch one.

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