Where Eagles Dare | Teen Ink

Where Eagles Dare

November 26, 2020
By Anonymous

The movie I watched was Where Eagles Dare which was directed by Brian G. Hutton. It was filmed on December 4, 1968. Some of the major actors and actresses that played in this movie were Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood, Mary Ure. This is one of the best movies I have seen. The Schloss Adler was the fictional name of the castle, where the real name for the castle is hohenwerfen castle.  
The movie Where Eagles Dare is about a group of eight Allied soldiers that have to get into a castle and then comes the unexpected and interesting twist in the second part of the movie. The formal elements (such as camera, narrative, lighting, etc.) were very well done. The clothing looks historically accurate. The director got the historical aspect right because he gave some background about the person that the group was to save. I think that it would have been helpful if they put the date of the events in, like 1944 or something like that so we know when it took place. For me, the scenes that were well done was really the whole movie because of the camera work and other elements like that. To be more specific, the scenes that I thought were very well done were the times they made their accent to and from the castle because it was suspense-filled both times. That was one scene that I thought made the movie good. I found that the formal elements really increased my appreciation for the movie. Where Eagles Dare, I find really painted an accurate picture of the second world war at least the conflict between the Allies and the Germans. It also painted a picture of how the Germans did not trust anyone. 
I would highly recommend this movie even there is a descent bit of double crossing that happens and at sometimes it was confusing to know who was on both sides, but other than that it is a must watch. I would also highly recommend this movie for any WWII fanatic and for anyone who likes a hair-raising highly intense movie. 

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