Before We Go Extinct by Karen Rivers | Teen Ink

Before We Go Extinct by Karen Rivers

May 22, 2018
By Brady_Smith BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
Brady_Smith BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

J.C is our main character in this story. He goes by the nickname Sharky and has had many troubles since his best friend died right in front of him, which may or may not been an accident. His mom is very worried about him and decides a change in environment is the best thing for him. He then goes to live on a secluded island in Canada where he learns to be himself again as he makes friends along the way. His father is a sort of naturalist, meaning he doesn't really like to make a big impact on the earth.


Some characters to mention are Kelby and Charlie, which are the two friends J.C makes when he is introduced to the island with his father in Canada. Charlie and Kelby help J.C. heal as he starts to recover from his friend’s death. A good note to make about J.C’s recovery is that his new friends helped him find his personality again. J.C has chosen to stop talking ever since the incident,  and he only starts to talk again as he gets closer with his new friends. J.C also starts to find out the truth of his best friend’s death, and the plot holes start to come together.


Lessons to learn from this story that lie within the theme would be loss and change. Obviously J.C “lost” a close friend, and J.C has to move on or change from his previous state of mind. So the two themes conveyed would be loss and change. I learned that taking loss with a heavy heart is only good for a little time, but moving on has to come soon after because you can't let that loss hold you down. J.C’s biggest challenge is overcoming death and loss. His new friends in the story really help with that. Without them J.C’s character may have never learned to move on.


I would highly recommend this book. It is put together very well and doesn't spare any detail for that matter. It is very good for young adults considering it relates heavily to our everyday life and problems. I would also note that it does take a sharp mind and a lot of attention because the text is written just like how a 15-16 year old would actually talk with family and others.

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