Animal by K'wan | Teen Ink

Animal by K'wan

January 26, 2018
By DazionHunter1 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
DazionHunter1 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"One bullet changed everything."

Three years after narrowly escaping a one way trip to the gas chamber, the fugitive known only as Animal finds himself drawn back to the scene of the crime, Harlem, NY.
Throughout his entire time in exile the only thing that kept Animal going was the thought that he would one day be reunited with his soul mate, Gucci, but one bullet changed everything.

When his enemies tried to murder Gucci they crossed the line, so he vowed to cross them all.
While Gucci teeters between life and death Animal sets out on a bloody mission fueled by love and orchestrated by bullets...there would be no more innocents.

Alliances are formed and secrets uncovered while Animal wages his personal war on the streets of Harlem with the end result revealing one great truth....he is only a small piece in a much greater puzzle.Animal follows the infamous fugitive from K’wans best known hood rat series on a revenge mission from the rugged streets of puerto rico to the scene of the original crime.

K’wan, one of this generation’s most talented and gritty writers, delivers his bloodiest story yet. ANIMAL follows the infamous fugitive from K’wan’s best-known Hood Rat Series on a revenge mission from the rugged streets of Puerto Rico to the scene of the original crime, Harlem, NY.

I think people should read “Animal” because it is written by the #1 best selling author K’wan.“Animal was chosen as one of the five best selling books of 2012 and the starred pick of the month for october on library journal.

The author's comments:

this review is about animal i really found a interest in it so i hope you guys think about reading it maybe only if your interested.


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