Fahrenheit 451 By: Ray Bradbury | Teen Ink

Fahrenheit 451 By: Ray Bradbury

November 17, 2017
By GrantG BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
GrantG BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Favorite Quote:
&quot;We are a way for the cosmos to know itself&quot;<br /> -Carl Sagan

The book Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is about Guy Montag whom at the beginning of the story was a fireman. In this setting firemen burn down houses instead of putting out fires. They do this because possessing books is illegal! Montag is rethinking this law and is questioning it. Montag is trying to change this law but by trying to do so he gets in a lot of trouble, now he is on the run from the government. The firemen have a special weapon; a mechanical hound which can track people by scent. Montag can be tracked by the hound which poses him at a greater risk to be found. He finds many people around the town who have the same view as him.

This book isn't really action packed but it keeps this constant haze of fear that Montag will get caught. When reading, I realize that Bradbury had written it in a way so Montag has a confusion of why they are banning books. He has read books before by smuggling them. He thinks that the government is ignorant to the fact that books bring culture and entertainment to people who read them. I would feel the same if I were in Montag’s shoes, living in a world where an extraordinary thing is banned. If were to rewrite this book I would add more action moments where there is a clash of book supporters and the government. There are many moments in the book that intrigued me, and Fahrenheit 451 is a book I would recommend to ages 14 to 21.


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