Unwind by Neal Shusterman | Teen Ink

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

November 22, 2017
By Anonymous

Unwind is a story by Neal Shusterman, that is perfect for lovers of science fiction.  It is told in 3rd person, and is followed in the Unwind series by Unwholly, Unsouled, and Undivided. It’s target audience is for the teen populous, and it has received an awards such as the “National Book award for young people’s literature 2015”.  The main characters of the story are Connor, Risa, and Lev who cause sharp twists and turns that change the books course when you least expect it. In the story there is varying character development "If you're asking if we have a cause, we don't. So get that out of your head. Causes are old news. We believe in randomness. Earthquakes! Tornados! We believe in forces of nature-and we are forces of nature. We are havoc. We're chaos. We mess with the world."(Neal Shusterman Pg. 226)


Lev is the one who develops the most; his entire belief and religion have been thrown out the window for a new way of seeing things. The characters are sympathetic, where their ideas change, from being supportive of unwinding, to fighting for their freedom. They switch from a point opposing yours so you disagree with them, to a point where you see eye to eye, making you really feel connected to the character. The book Unwind has an inspirational message as well as many instances of humor throughout the book that kept me wanting to read more and see where the author would take me. The moral of the story is that running away from your problems isn’t the best way for you to take care of things, and that you sometimes will need to face things head on, and you need help in some situations you can get help from unexpected places.

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