The Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 14, 2017
By Zelamar BRONZE, Indiana, Indiana
Zelamar BRONZE, Indiana, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In text The Crossover Josh Bell and Jordan Bell are the two twin sons of Chuck Bell, also known as “Da man”. This book will leave you begging for more, leave you on the end of your seat at every ending chapter. Alexander paints a picture for the read as the journey takes you on a bumpy rough flight.

The way Kwame writes the story will most definitely have you coming back fast. In order to see the picture clearly you have to listen and pay attention to every work. Every time you read a part of the story you can almost feel as if you're in the story yourself. The twins and father have a wonderful relationship…..but take a turn for the worst.

I would recommend this book to everyone that likes action.Everything they do is basketball, they sleep and breathe for basketball. Basketball is all they do and think of. Then out of nowhere a female messes up the relationship with Josh and Jb.

This book is for everyone and all ages. Everyone that reads this book it will encourage them to read more. This book The Crossover is full of everything you like this book is full of enjoyment.

The author's comments:

i like to play baketball.


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