The House on Mango Street Review | Teen Ink

The House on Mango Street Review

July 25, 2017
By ThrasherBrian BRONZE, Lennox, California
ThrasherBrian BRONZE, Lennox, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

House On Mango Street is a story written by Sandra Cisneros.It revolves around Esperanza Cordero, a young Latina girl, and her life growing up in Chicago with Chicanos and Puerto Ricans. I think people should read this book because it talks about the struggle living on Chicago especially on the so called "Mango Street".


The main lot is about a girl named Esperanze who moves to Mango Street at the age of 12 when moving there. Key characters other than Esperanza are Sally who is one of the first friend she meets when moved to Mango Street.


Something that I disliked like about the book was the order of sequence, I would get lost after each change since it since like a whole new story a times. Besides that I was intrigued as to what Esperanze had to say to her own name saying "In English my name means Hope, in spanish it means too many letters. Showing she very much disliked her name for what is was.


Overall, this was a good book for young learners aspiring to become better writters. Sandra uses critical thinking and stereotypes in this book showing the deeper meaning.

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