True To The Game by Teri Woods | Teen Ink

True To The Game by Teri Woods

January 27, 2017
By nando4 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
nando4 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you like drugs, guns, and gang’s you would like this book.
This book ruled the streets. It is a novel that broke all the
Rules. Teri Woods gets the bestselling author. They had a
Killer crews.
She tell her truth about the street and takes about the players, and thugs.
They were trying to get out of philly projects and it was easy but she wanted all. She wanted a man who can help her family. They built a drug empire on the east coast.

I recommend this book a lot, this is a good book because she talks about the streets in philly. She is looking for love and someone to take care of her family.

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