A Tangle of Knots by Lisa Graff | Teen Ink

A Tangle of Knots by Lisa Graff

January 27, 2017
By Charlotteadele BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Charlotteadele BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Graff, Lisa. A Tangle of Knots. New York, NY, Philomel Books, 2013. 230.

A Tangle of Knots, by Lisa Graff, is a novel about an orphaned girl named Cady, whose life is tangled with fate and an adventurous destiny she was born with.  Miss Mallory, the head of the home for lost girls, has always been great at finding each of her orphans their perfect family. However, Cady has always been quite a puzzle for her. One day, fate brought a man named Toby to the orphanage where he met Cady. It was a perfect match. Toby worked for the owner of the Lost Luggage Emporium, where he and Cady went to live together. The Owner was a tricky man, always on the hunt for something he lost a long time ago. Around the same time, Toby and Cady moved into the Lost Luggage Emporium, so did the Asher family.  Mrs. Asher, Zane, Marigold, and Will with his pet ferret Sally, made up the small family of four.  On a whimsical journey, each person realize important occurrences that changed everything for the better.

Lisa Graff wrote each chapter with great detail and blended the book together through the fun loving characters and theme of family and fate. The perspective changed each chapter bringing new ideas and discoveries from the characters. A Tangle of Knots is enchanting and full of wonder. Every chapter leads to a perfectly connected story, bringing the reader to satisfaction and delight. I genuinely enjoyed this book, just as anyone would who loves fantasy and happy endings.


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