Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis | Teen Ink

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

November 18, 2016
By TessE BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
TessE BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What if it was a risk to drink the water on Earth? Not A Drop To Drink is a dystopian world where Cholera has affected the majority of water and the cure supply was insufficient for the growing demand. People everywhere are dying from drinking contaminated water. The only way to survive is to fight over the remaining water which could be tainted.

This story follows a girl named Lynn who lives with her mother in the country. They are lucky enough to have a pond right outside their house. Her mother took a gamble by using the water which was a doubled edged sword that could save them or kill them nonetheless. To purify the water the two use a method that her mother learned from National Geographic. The process required of them a hefty amount of work and 8 hours of UV lights to kill off any bacteria. In addition, they have to protect the precious pond of life from strangers who seek to steal their water.

After an animal attack Lynn is forced to grow up from being a teen dependent on her mother to a strong and independent woman. With the help of a group of strangers she never thought she would befriend, she makes a lifetime connection and learns new emotions and skills that changes her approach to life. 

Usually I go for fantasy books and dabble in Sci-Fi, Romance and Dystopian. But this book blew my mind. The words flowed together smoothly and the detail was flawless. Although I wish the ending was happier, the epilogue makes it doable. Even though everything doesn’t happen as perfectly as I wish, this is what makes it such a unique book.    

Mindy McGinnis teaches us the lesson that one of the necessities we need to live could somehow get taken away or corrupted leading to a harsh environment to survive. The struggle brings out Lynn’s inner strength and will to live in this awe-inspiring apocalyptic novel. This is a must read.


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