Push by Sapphire | Teen Ink

Push by Sapphire

April 1, 2016
By Kaylynnconway BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
Kaylynnconway BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Push by Sapphire is a book that focuses on one character specifically and her childhood. Her name is Claireece Precious Jones, but she is also known as  “Precious”. The story begins when Precious is kicked out of public school while carrying her father’s second child. She then decides it's time to further her education, and being as determined as she is, she will do whatever it takes to do so. Her ultimate goal is not just to learn though, it is to do something with the knowledge that she gains..She really wants to give her children a better life than what she is currently experiencing, and she believes going back to school is the answer to accomplishing that goal. So she then decides to join an Alternative School and that’s where most of her story takes place,the other part of the story takes place at home with her abusive mother. Not knowing what to expect, she starts out her first day by meeting someone new who will end up having a bigger impact than she ever imagined. Her name is Ms.Rain, and with help from her, she will teach Precious that there are several ways to forget about the past so she is able to move on, but to do so she first will need to focus on becoming a better person herself. Throughout the story you will read about all the obstacles she faces and what she does to overcome her past to have a brighter future.
Push is written in first person, which allows you as a reader to know in depth exactly how Precious feels and what an impact it has on her growing up. It also makes it clear how the author Sapphire feels while writing the book Push, showing us that Sapphire did not agree to what was going on, as well as understanding the pain and difficulties that Precious went through. There is a lot to take away from reading this book, one big thing is to not take your education for granted and you'll understand why once you've read it.  I highly recommend this book, especially if you enjoy reading fictional books. It leaves you questioning your lifestyle and maybe you can relate to it in some ways or maybe you know someone going through something very similar.

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