Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli | Teen Ink

Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

April 1, 2016
By kdale BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
kdale BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda

Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli is that kind of book that you get lost in. It sucks you into an essentially real world. Simon is your typical 16-year old highschooler. He’s constantly getting lost in music, making cheesy book references, and is completely in love with oreos and, wait for it, boys. But the one guy he has his heart set on, he doesn’t even know what he looks like or what his real name is. All Simon knows is that he goes to the same school, and his screen-name is Blue. As their relationship grows and they open up about their feelings towards each other, they both start to wonder about each other’s identity, which causes challenges that they face.

This book shows problems particularly within the LGBT+ community. It not only is a form of light drama that you can indulge yourself in, it also can show ways that the problems were solved, and in turn, can teach the reader lessons and give indirect advice to the audience. This book particularly helped me understand some of the problems that were similar to some that I have, but in a different setting. It showed me that some family members, and people in general, can actually be understanding and accepting, even if it is an artificial scenario.

I would definitely recommend this book. It was an amazing book that helped me understand the way that people think better, and more in depth-not with some boring facts that drone on and on that is hard to understand, but with words that aren’t gibberish, and thoughts that are realistic teenager thoughts. It’s taught me a lot of useful things about life and I enjoyed this book so much, that I will continue reading this book over and over again throughout my life. Some may not think that it’s that important of a book and the lessons aren’t straight-forward enough, but I think everyone should read this book at least once, even if it is to just widen their view point. Also, it’s an easy enough read, that if you need a book that isn’t boring, just to read quickly, this is the book. You will be glued to the pages until you finish this novel, and will want to turn it over and read it again when you’re finished. The time is now, to broaden your mind and your ways of thinking, so go pick up Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda!


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