Uglies | Teen Ink


February 17, 2009
By Emily Nygren BRONZE, Pmaha, Nebraska
Emily Nygren BRONZE, Pmaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scott Westerfeld is the author of the Uglies Series (Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras). This book was a New York Times Bestseller.

In their world you start as an Ugly. When you are an Ugly you are just normal, average, but then when you turn sixteen you have a life changing surgery that turns you into a pretty. You get a new face, new hair, an entirely new look and the best part of all you get to live in Pretty Town. In Pretty Town there are parties every night and you have no responsibilities except to have fun. Tally Youngblood meets a new friend, Shay. Shay runs away from town so that she will not have to have the surgery. When Tally goes into have her surgery done they say she will not be turned into a pretty until she finds her friend and brings her back to town to have the surgery. So, Tally takes off to find her friend, but that is not all she finds. She finds out about how being turned into a pretty might not be a glamorous as it seems.

I think that this book was very creative and imaginative. I love all of the future technologies like hover boards, hover cams, and 'hole in the wall' that gives you anything you need like clothes, or food. I also like the cool futuristic language they use. It really helps you understand what it would be like to live in their world. This book is full of adventures and twists that keep you wondering what will happen next.

This is a great book for people whom like adventure or fantasy books.


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