Freakonomics | Teen Ink


February 10, 2009
By Brett Seidler BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Brett Seidler BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Steven Levitt and Stephen Dunbar have officially took me on my first economic roller coaster ride in their book Freakonomics. The introduction accomplished a great task in which the authors engaged the readers immediately. The book gets you lost in the world of economics, a world that I didn't think I would enjoy being lost in until I continued to read the book.
Freakonomics is pleasantly arranged into different sections in which Levitt and Dunbar introduce two very dissimilar topics and somehow relate them together by the end of the chapter. The book discusses all kinds of completely random topics, ones that most people would never really think about. At the beginning of the first chapter, as I read the title about how sumo-wrestlers and teachers are related, I was really interested. I could not think of anything that could somehow relate the two. But that's because I had never met Steven Levitt or Stephen Dunbar'two true geniuses.
The book introduces many other topics, like why drug dealers live with their mothers, and my favorite section about parenting. If your mother is overbearing, there are definitely some statistics in Freakonomics that might help get her off your back a little. The book concludes with yet even more sets of lists in which Levitt and Dunbar rank the spellings of Jasmine and their correlation with their mother's years of education and the most popular white middle-income boys' names, just to name a few.
Overall, the book was really interesting. Most people who don't understand economics will enjoy the book, and those who understand the confusing world of economics will probably really enjoy the book. It also works well with people who have a hard time paying attention because the authors do switch topics and theories very frequently. I commend the authors in their quest to make sense of the world today through completely unconventional theories.


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