Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand | Teen Ink

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

September 9, 2015
By salsberry23 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
salsberry23 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Unbroken is a tale of triumph and sadness. Character Louis Zameprini was a great athlete and a hero. It is a story about a man who doesn't give up while he is trying to stay alive. Louis is a man who is very brave, smart, and heroic. I would give this book a  4 1/2 stars because I thought it had too many details and it would be hard for a kid my age to read.

This book was very suspenseful and it kept you on the edge of your seat wondering if he was going to live through it or not. This book had a lot of moments where you are just mind blown, by the types of stuff the Japanese put him through. The part that is awesome is he didn't let it get to him. Louis Zamperini was a troubled boy who couldn't get his act together at a young age. So his older brother, uses his ability to run from the cops and uses it as a ability to outrun his competitors. Louis got so good he went to the Olympics, where he didn't perform as well as he hoped. So he trained harder and harder when he returned to try and get back there, but they were cancelled because of the war. He was devastated. He then got drafted into the war, and trains hard there too. The parts were they are stranded on the Pacific, and when he was in the Japanese camps were very scary, to read about but he was there in real life. Because he was a great hero for many young people because he was a Olympic star and many young kids used him as a role model. 

This book really was a great book but to kids my age it may be hard to read this book because it had a lot of details aims at times could get boring. But most of all this was a great and fun book to read as a kid because not only did I learn more about the war but I learned about a warrior. Laura Hillenbrand has wrote another popular book and it is Seabiscuit, I have never read it but I don't think it could be better than this book. Laura Hillenbrand is a great author.

The man named Louis is a warrior and a hero in my opinion. Overheard his lifetime he was dealt with many hard stuff like trouble, starvation, pain, and sorrow. But she he was the worst he was the strongest because he just didn't give up at any time during the story. When he was on the raft he told God that if he got him through this he would dedicate his whole life to him, which was cool because before that Louis never went to church.

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