Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand | Teen Ink

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

September 9, 2015
By jpd2307 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
jpd2307 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Laura Hillenbrand
A true task of survival.
4.5 Stars


The years are the 1920's-30's. Louie gets very sick and his family moves from Olean, NY to Torrance, California. The characters are mainly Louie and Pete. Louie was a big trouble maker and Pete was an athlete. Louie eventually listens to his brother and starts

The way the writer wrote this book is very good. It made me feel like I was in those camps. If I ever had to survive in the ocean protecting myself from sharks and other deadly aquatic life I would freak out. She made me feel like I was Louie having to survive. I would definitely die. This book is a true story about how Louie survived this. I am actually amazed that all this happened to one ma and him live until 2014 at the age of 97! How is this possible. Most people only live till their late 80's. All this an has been through and he still lived till 97.

I really liked this book a lot. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading. If you haven't read this book, it is a must. I believe that this book shows that even when times are hard and when you think you have it the worst, someone always is in worse shape than you and that you can make it. His plane crashed in he pacific ocean and he ha to fight off sharks for 41 days in a life raft then was put in concentration war camps and he still made it out. This is a good representation book.

While Louis was in the concentration camps, the USA was working on the Atomic Bomb. It had been finished but the were testing it. They had finally finished it and it was ready for war. They dropped two Atomic bombs on two cities in Japan. Nagaski and Hiroshima. He was in a camp in Tokyo, Japan. When this happened, Japan surrendered and Louis was set free. When he gets home, he gets married. Overall this was a very good book about a young soldier having to survive on his own.

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