Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrad | Teen Ink

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrad

September 9, 2015
By zakariya__151 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
zakariya__151 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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Favorite Quote:
It will take a nation of millions to hold me back.

I read the book Unbroken over the summer for my school summer reading book. Unbroken was written by Laura Hillenbrand, and was also narrated by her, so it was in the third person point of view. Unbroken was a non-fiction book that took place in the late  1930's and went on into the mid 40's since it had to do with World War 2. My first impression of the book was that it was going to be a book that I couldn't put down, but as I began reading the book, I realized that it is just an average book for any reader.

Louie Zamperini was a troubled kid who committed many crimes. His parents were fed up with him getting into trouble, and one day Pete made Louie try out for the school track team. Louie was an amazing runner, and went on to break several national records. Louie competed in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. World War 2 came, and Louie was drafted to the AF. His plane was shot down over the Pacific Ocean, and his crew were abandoned on a small raft for almost a full month. He was then captured by the Japanese, and sent to a harsh camp. He was treated very poorly, and was beaten by most of the guards.

My evaluation for Unbroken is a simple one in my opinion. Unbroken was a decent book. It has high emotions at times, nut then it will swing into a very boring part. I think other people who have a better patience and like to read about war stories would adore this book, but it just wasn't my kind of book.

in conclusion I will just say a few things.The one thing that makes this book okay in my opinion was Hillenbrand nice style of writing. I still hang on to my conclusion on the book just being okay. You might like the book if you read it for yourself, and you might not. It is all your opinion.

The author's comments:

I hope people will benefit from this honest and truthful book review about the book Unbroken.


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