The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 21, 2015
By Karizma_Garcia BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Karizma_Garcia BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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The Fault In Our Stars
The Fault In Our Stars is by John Green and it is a phenomenal story. The way he writes the story makes me have a clear picture in my mind while reading and that is very entertaining. Overall, this is one of my favorite books for a few reasons. First of all, I couldn’t put it down, it was all I could think about because of all the possibilities that could happen and I really wanted to finish it and find out how it ended. Also, the way the author wrote the story let me have a perfect picture in my head while reading and it felt like a movie.
What I liked about the Fault In Our Stars was how much I can relate to it. The plot of the story was laid out perfectly and I wouldn’t change want the sequence of events to be switched around in any way. One thing that I liked the most was the love story between Gus and Hazel because it wasn’t a typical love story,  they both were very different characters. Also, I enjoyed how the author, John Green, udes fear of oblivion in the beginning and throughout the whole book. He mentioned oblivion in the beginning but throughout the story there was fear of oblivion everywhere and within whoever, mostly Hazel and Augustus. I was very impressed and impacted by the quote John used which was, “Putting the thing that can kill you between your teeth but not giving it the power to kill you.” To me that quote has a strong meaning to it and personally I liked it a lot.
What I did not particularly like was how John Green didn’t give too much information in when, how or who Augustus was with when he died. I also would have enjoyed it more if the author would have elaborated more on how Hazel copped with Gus dying and what happened after he died. I don’t expect John Green to come out with a sequel to this one because I do not think it would be as powerful without Augustus in it.
Overall the layout and details are what I enjoyed the most. If I could do one thing to the book based off of what I disliked would just to add more at the end of the story. I would recommend The Fault In Our Stars to mostly any teenage girl and maybe some boys who like to read love stories. I am very impressed by John Green and loved his book and I would definitely read it again.


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