Outliers by Malcom Gladwell | Teen Ink

Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

May 3, 2015
By whitbaros BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
whitbaros BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
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Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell tells about stories of success. He compares teams, bands, and people to their past history, birth or culture. Putting in the hours and dedicated work can make us be successful. Gladwell tells examples about how one person can shape a society and change the world.
Malcolm Gladwell was born in 1963 in England. He had a career in advertising because he couldn’t go to graduate school due to his grades. He also became a writer and journalist. Other famous books of his include Blink and The Tipping Point.
I enjoyed reading this book because it motivates me to put more work into everything I do. I first came across this book when I heard about the “10,000 hour rule”. Gladwell talks about this rule and how in order to become a qualified expert of something, you must put in 10,000 hours. After hearing about the rule, I wanted to dig deeper to see what it was really about. Being successful and changing lives can start with something small, and that is what interested me. The author shows interesting examples and studies all throughout the book. Being successful is something that everyone wants to strive for, and this book can help understand that. I learned that sometimes our talents are based on what is around us, or where we came from.
A quote I liked from the book was “Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. Its the thing you do that makes you good.” This quote makes me want to work harder in everything I do. If I want to become good at something, I must put in the dedication and work. “The values of the world and the people we surround ourselves with have a profound effect on who we are.” Sometimes it isn’t about the person we are, it’s about the people we are with. Gladwell tells all throughout the book that some of the most successful people were surrounded by positive people, from a positive history. The type of people we are with is the type of person we will become.
I recommend this book to people who want to have an impact on the world. It is important to be successful and this book tells us how. I would recommend this to a reader of more matured skills because it has a mature concept. But no matter who reads this, they will find it very interesting and will have a hard time to put the book down

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