Weak but Strong | Teen Ink

Weak but Strong

April 19, 2015
By Armkoonanan BRONZE, Bangkok, California
Armkoonanan BRONZE, Bangkok, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.” this quote is from Susan Gale. The Last Dragon was written by C.A. Rainfield. It is the first book of Dragon Speaker series. The genre of this book is fantasy fiction. This book highlights the kindness of the protagonist, Jacob. He is a normal weak person, but has a strong spirit inside. I liked and enjoyed this book.

Jacob can hear the birds speak. One day Jacob can listen to the birds’s sos. He runs to it, and he is seeing the wizard, Kain, kills the birds. The birds call Jacob the Chosen One. They tell Jacob that he is a person who can control and speaks to the dragon. After the birds die, they have a last request for Jacob. The request is to improve the town and finds the dragon. How does Jacob find the dragon? Let go buy this book and read it.

First reason, I liked this because it was the series. The series of the book The Last Dragon calls Dragon Speaker series. I think, the books that are the series have the interesting plot because the book will separate into a part. When the book separates into the part, it will make the readers predict and want to know how it going to be in the next part. It will make the readers wait to read for the next part.

This book reminded me of my favorite movie series called “Merlin” This book, The Last Dragon, has many minor characters, but most people focus on the dragon. The dragon can make a conversation and fights with the protagonist. Merlin has the dragon that can speak only to the protagonist, and it also fights with the protagonist. Merlin is about the magic. I loved this book because it had the dragon.

The most important reason that I liked this because it had interesting protagonist. Jacob, the protagonist, is weak person but when he sees other people be in danger, he will help them as possible as he can. I love Jacob’s characteristic. He knows that he is weak person but he doesn’t afraid of the danger. She tries hard to help people. I want friends that have the same character traits as Jacob. Jacob is the most awesome protagonist.

Don’t waste your time, let jump off your chair and go buy this book now!


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