The Maze Runner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner

February 5, 2015
By Ashley Midel BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ashley Midel BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book I read was “The Maze Runner” this book was pretty interesting. The summary of this book is a boy named “Thomas arrived in a box with supplies. He woke up at a glade confused where he was. He didn’t remember his name or how he got there. He had no memories of his family. The maze opens in the morning and closes in the evening. Minho a maze runner ran with Alby but a griever stung Alby coming back. Minho was carrying alby but they didn’t make it out of the maze so when the maze was closing Thomas ran in to help Minho. They spent the night in the maze and at night Thomas killed a griever he was the first one to kill it and lived to tell about it. For that moment Newt the second leader when Alby was hurt. Thomas was made a runner and Minho and Thomas traveled through the maze everyday finding a way out. Throughout the book there was many differences from the movie.

Some of the difference throughout the movie is that in the book the people who started the glade were called “WICKED” but in the movie their called “WCKD”.  Alby was the first one to come to the glade and in the book it says he was white but actually in movie he’s black. Also in the book when Thomas came up with a bunch of new supplies Thomas could only remember his name entering the glade but in the movie he couldn’t even remember his name or how he got there. When Thomas gets there he was afraid to just stand there in the glade but in the movie he made an attempt to run but as he was running he fell down and realizes he was in a maze. In the book, on Thomas’s first day he wasn’t accepted. In the movie when they had a celebration of a new grainy at midnight he was accepted after remembering his name.  The box usually comes up every month but after a week when Thomas arrived a girl came up. Her name was Teresa. In the book it said when she came up she said “everything will change” but in the movie she said “Thomas” and closed her eyes after. The book also said that they were there for 2 years but in the movie they were there for 3 years.

Some other differences from the movie and the book were pretty interesting. In the book they said the maze was underground but in the movie the maze was in the middle of the WCKD complex, which was outside.  In the book the maze doors could not close at night so the grievers came out and took a glader one at a time but in the movie the walls weren’t closing so the grievers came out and attacked the gladers and killed as many as they could. Throughout the book the author really changed up the details of the people and places. The director of the movie did a good job of changing it up a little. It was easy to identify the differences from the movie and the book. The director made the movie more interesting. The author could’ve done a better job of making the story a little better and interesting so the people would want to watch the movie but even though it wasn’t as good, the movie “The Maze Runner” the director made it better from the book. More action and more detail and the director uses the right actors that actually matches the characters personality.

The author's comments:

This piece is for my english book report

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