Frankenstein by Mary Shelley | Teen Ink

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

February 4, 2015
By Anonymous

By: Mary Shelley

Frankenstein is an all time classic and one of the most famous monsters in history but, how well do you think you know the story? The story first begins when the protagonist Victor Frankenstein, tells the story about his child hood and how he was raised in a wealthy family and was encouraged to collect a grater understanding of the word through science. As he grows up he goes to a prestigious college and excels in science and other chemistries however, he finds a way to create his own living matter. He then later creates a horrific monster that causes trouble and grief in his life. In my opinion I liked both the book and the movie because they both had a lot of detail and sometimes I like being able to see things more than reading considering this was a challenging book to read.
I think that the movie was different from the book because I could actually see the difference between the Hollywood monster and the description of the monster in the book. One thing in the movie that was different from the book was when Victor and the monster started fighting over victors bride Elizabeth and she sees the monster she has become and sets herself on fire. Another thing I felt was different was the scene when Victor brings his monster to life exclaiming “ITS ALIVE” over and over in excitement. In the movie I just thought it was scarier and it gave me a thrill because I could see, hear, and experience the exciting atmosphere. The actor choices in my opinion were very accurate to the description in the book because it said that in the book Victor was a rich man and was brilliant so, when I first watched the movie, I thought the actor was exactly what I portrayed in my head. Elizabeth was also a very accurate character because she did look delicate and beautiful just like it stated in the book. Basically the ending spot for the movie was just about where the book left off just not as detailed.
In my opinion this movie was excellent and it was interesting to see this version of the movie. The reason being is, I have seen many versions of Frankenstein and it seems as each new movie is made about this monster, the original story is getting lost bit by bit. I thought it was great that I finally knew the original story and that I could clear up a few confusions I had about Frankenstein because of all the other movies that I have watched before. I think that my peers should also watch it because it is a brilliant classic and I think they to will have an accurate understanding. My recommendation is to see this movie and read this book because I give both five out of five ratings.

The author's comments:

This is the book i read and watched and my opinions on it.

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