My Immortal by Tare Gilespie | Teen Ink

My Immortal by Tare Gilespie

January 19, 2015
By rumorsareflying BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
rumorsareflying BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Immortal became an internet sensation when it appeared in 2006. Web series and even printed books have been made based on the classic fan fiction. It certainly immortalized the writing style of an entire demographic of Internet users. 

The premise of the story was slightly ridiculous. Enoby Dark'Ness Dementia Raven Way entered her last year of school at Hogwarts. She was a self proclaimed "goffick" and had tumultuous relationships with many canon Harry Potter characters, most famously with Draco Malfoy. The story meanders on for over thirty chapters before ending with a cliff hanger. The author apparently was collaberating with another writer and hilariously fell out with them, a struggle that was injected into the story itself.

That being said, My Immortal was written by soemone with an outstanding grip of the English language. The fan fiction contains  246,889 grammar mistakes in the first chapter. Words are misspelled, misplaced, and capitalized incorrectly. Gilesbie prefered to use euphemisms when speaking about delicate subjects, such as the scene between Enoby and Draco where they are caught by Dumbledore. She had no qualms about using curse words, however. 

I believe that My Immortal was written by a literary genius who saw a chance to enlighten the Internet with her unique art. Gilesbie's skillful manipulation of words and proper grammar and story conventions deserves an award of its own.


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