Absolute true diary of a part-time Indian | Teen Ink

Absolute true diary of a part-time Indian

December 8, 2014
By Birchbeer BRONZE, Storrs, Mansfield, Connecticut
Birchbeer BRONZE, Storrs, Mansfield, Connecticut
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Sherman Alexie’s novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is an amazing story of a boy who made the choice to leave his indian life for a brighter future. Junior, the main character lives on the Spokane reservation, located in Washington where over half the population are alcoholics. It’s sad and scary. Scary because the people on the reservation would waste money on alcohol instead of what was really needed, like food.
“So hunger is not the worst thing about being poor….Last week, my best friend Oscar got really sick.” Poverty stricken Junior was unable to save his best friend. I believe that this is an important thing to look at. Do you agree that losing your best friend is worse than being hungry?  I know that if that happened to me I’d be devastated. With Junior facing poverty and alcohol in his life he didn’t see much for himself, until one day he did something that would change his life forever.
“Of course I was suspended from school after I smashed Mr. P in the face, even though it was a complete accident.” Junior finds himself trying to fit into a new crowd, and he is taking a beating for it, being known as a trader. Trying to fit in came with consequences, having a best friend angry at you isn’t very fun, but Junior has to face that reality. Leaving the school on the reservation not only made him a “trader” but also caused others to blame him for the misfortune that came in the time he was gone.  The only person in his family to really keep him going was his grandmother, she helped motivate him to choose a better path for himself. The jaw dropping events of this book will make you want to keep reading, make your eyes thirsty for more excitement and courage.


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