The Hunger Games: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 6, 2014
By Kailanik_ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kailanik_ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart- Finnick Odair (Mockingjay). After participating in two hunger games, and being pulled out of the Hunger Games arena, Katniss Everdeen is being cared for in District 13. She plans on killing the capitol’s president for all his evil doings, and saving her captured friends, including: Peeta, Johanna, and Annie, from the capitol. After saving them from the capitol; she does training with a bunch of other allies, and goes into a full warzone with the capitol. In my opinion books always have more details that emphasizes the story in a beautiful, better, and more dramatic way.
      There were tons of differences from the movie, and book that were very noticeable. First of all Efie was only in one scene of the book, and it was at the very end. In the movie she was in it from the very beginning, and is a main character. I also thought Annie was going to be a brunette like how she looked in the Catching fire movie; definitely not a red-head! The last character difference I wasn’t expecting was Joannah to be so skinny, sickly looking, and nearly-bald. It was described in the book she had looked different, and had gotten a bit skinnier; but I was not prepared for her new look! A setting difference I wasn’t expecting was District 12 to look so deserted, and destroyed, and yet Katniss’s house wasn’t even touched. They described this scene in the book but I thought her house had been destroyed, but was still able to be entered in, and find belongings. One scene that was added to the movie but definitely made it more interesting was the rescue mission. This scene was totally intense, and added to the vibe, and structure of the movie.
        Overall there was amazing acting, character choices, and looks of characters. As I mentioned before the only looks I had been surprised about were Annie, and Joannah. But I had also been surprised about how they brought back Effie with no makeup, wigs, or fancy clothes as she had before in the past movies. But all the other side characters were perfect matches from the book; these characters include: Boggs, Cressida, President Coin, and Claudius. I think the director had made great choices for the new cast members, they all fit the theme of the book perfectly; the only thing that kind of disappointed me was Annie’s looks. Lastly I was totally bummed out about was the cliffhanger ending! There was no explanation on Peeta’s behavior or what was going to happen next to the main characters. But luckily I already know what is next in store for all the characters, and their future in Part II.
        If you had already been obsessed with the hunger game movies or books I definitely recommend for you to read the book then watch the movie; trust me I loved this process. Reading the book first gives you an idea about what will happen in the movie, and if you're confused reading the book then seeing the movie will give you a great visual afterwards. It is always fun to see who the director chooses to play the characters, and the changes they make. Reading the book first; also gives you the chance to be ahead of everyone else, and not be confused. Actors do a great job emphasizing their character, and the directors do a great job in bringing the book to life. Even though the book does make the story more; beautiful, detailed, dramatic, and somewhat better; watching the movie is super fun afterwards too. So happy reading to you all, and I hope you’ll love the Mockingjay book/movie as much as I did.


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