The Fault In our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In our Stars by John Green

August 19, 2014
By Anonymous

The book I’m reading is The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. This book has a mixture of genres but I think the closest genre would be, Romantic Tragedy. I think this because it’s like love and loss. Also because the two main-characters fall in love with each other and there is a lot of tragic events.

This story is about a 16-year-old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, which means she can’t breathe on her own. She carries around an oxygen tank everywhere. She attends support group in the Literal Heart of Jesus. There she met a guy named Augustus Waters. He is diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. He lost his right leg to a fight with his cancer, but he is cancer free now.

Hazel and Augustus became really good friends. They both help take care of their friend, Issac, when he got recently blind because of his cancer. Hazel and Augustus hang around each other and keep attending support group. When Hazel found out that Augustus had an affection to her, but Hazel didn’t want to be a grenade.

Hazel shared her favorite book to Augustus, An Imperial Affliction, which later became Augustus’s favorite book too. They decided to go to Amsterdam to meet the Author. A week before their departure Hazels lungs filled up with water. When they went to Amsterdam they realized that Peter Van Houten is a mean-hearted, old man. Peter Van Houten made Hazel realize that some infinities are bigger that other infinites.

I think the theme of the book is, “Without pain, we couldn’t know joy.” I think this because Hazel and Augustus both went through a rough time fighting cancer. Through-out both of them fighting cancer, they had the best time knowing each other

John Green is an award winning #1 best-selling author of “ Looking for Alaska.” He has been a finalist for the L.A. Times Book Prize. He makes YouTube videos with his brother it’s the most popular online video project in the world.


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