Candy Bomber the story of the Berlin Airlift?s "Chocolate pilot by Michael O. Tunnell | Teen Ink

Candy Bomber the story of the Berlin Airlift?s "Chocolate pilot by Michael O. Tunnell

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Candy Bomber the Story of The Berlin Airlift’s “Chocolate Pilot”
By: Michael O. Tunnell

This story takes place in Berlin, Germany and it is about Lt. Gail Halvorsen. During 1948, Peter Zimmerman a nine-year-old boy that searches through the sky for a certain airplane. This certain airplane was an American plane that would fly over and wiggle its wings. In this same city, Mercedes Simon a seven year-old girl was amazed that her wartime enemies - the Americans and the British were now her friends. Also the West Berliners were so excited to see cargo planes instead of bombers coming to destroy them. Each cargo plane was filled with flour, potatoes, milk, meat, or medicine – even coal to heat houses and to generate electricity for the city. A lot of questions were asked like, Why was this pilot, along with others flying food into West Berlin? And why was it coming in on airplanes at all? It would have been much more efficient to transport the food with trucks and railway cars. The answers to all these questions were that the Allied powers – Great Britain, The United States, France, and the Soviets took the northeastern part of the country, which included Berlin, the capital city.

The theme of this story is doing one small thing will make an impact on others. I chose this theme because when Lt. Gail Halvorsen gave the thirty German kids the two sticks of gum and then split them into piece for the other kids to have was very thoughtful of him and they all felt thankful. My feelings of this book was very good. My feeling was good because the way Lt. Gail Halvorsen started to drop candy from planes to all the kids of West Berlin made me feel good. If one of my peers read this book the one thing they will have to do is to enjoy it. They should enjoy this book because it will help them give good details to their essay they have to do.

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