Ranger's Apprentice: The ruins of Gorlon by John Flannagan | Teen Ink

Ranger's Apprentice: The ruins of Gorlon by John Flannagan

May 14, 2014
By Jason Moore BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Jason Moore BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan is an intriguing fantasy fiction taking place somewhere in the medieval times. With this book, you never know what is going to happen next. You will most likely make predictions you are almost 100% sure of will happen, soon to find out that they were completely wrong and something totally different happened.

Will, the main character in this book has always wanted to be a warrior, a royal knight. He wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps, knowing of his great deeds and bravery. The only problem is that Will is a very small teenager, and clearly not built for being a knight. Will is however a very agile, quick, and surprisingly strong person for his size. These characteristics are exactly what you need to be a ranger.

With rangers having a reputation of being some kind of sorcerer, Will is worried and does not know what to expect being an apprentice to his master, known as Halt. Will thinks that being a knight would be much more of a grand feat then being a Ranger.

Being an orphan, Will always hold stories of the evil lord Morgarath. The one that tried to takeover the kingdom 15 years back. The problem now is that Morgarath wants his revenge and plans an assault on the kingdom. Can Morgarath take his revenge and overthrow the king? You’ll have to find out yourself by reading this awesome book!


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