Heaven is for Real | Teen Ink

Heaven is for Real

May 8, 2014
By jfoley5 BRONZE, Cincinati, OH, Ohio
jfoley5 BRONZE, Cincinati, OH, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Heaven Is For Real is an inspiring, heartfelt book about a young boy, Colton, who claims to have visited heaven. Colton lives with his mom, dad, and older sister. “ When I was in surgery I saw Jesus.” These eight words changed the Burpo families lives forever. Colton explains to his parents about how he saw all the people in heaven and sat next to Jesus and God. This really amazed not just me but also his own parents. I would recommend this book for anyone who is looking for and inspiring, emotional book. Colton was brought to heaven and then back down to earth, for a reason. Todd burpo, Coltons father, claims that Jesus gave his family this opportunity to share their story with all the people of the world who believe in Jesus Christ. After reading this book i have a completely different view of heaven in my mind. I had always pictured it “a beautiful meadow with people in colorful clothing running and rejoicing and being joyful,” but the way Colton explains what he saw, I have completely changed that picture. As soon as you pick this book up, you won’t be able to put it down. It just grabs you from the very start.

The way Todd Burpo, writes this story and explains the emotions that his family and friends are going through really helps you to feel the way they felt. You cry with his family. You rejoice with his friends and you are happy when Colton is happy. Todd isn’t an author, he’s the father of Colton but he wrote this story of his and his families adventure to share it to the other people of the world, everyone. Todd often asks himself,“Why me? Why our family? God wanted Todd and his family to spread the word of God. When Colton starts to explain all the things that even Sonja, (Colton’s mom), and Todd didn’t know was true, they don’t even know how to react. Should they be happy, scared, sad, what should they feel? This book really made me look into heaven and picture is, and really not fear death, because when you die you don’t leave, you move to a better place. Heaven Is For Real.


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