The Death Cure by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Death Cure by James Dashner

May 2, 2014
By Austinmendez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Austinmendez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Death Cure Review
I have personally read the Maze Runner trilogy and loved almost every aspect about it. The concept of being stuck in some sort of man-made hell practically really sparked an interest for me. Except for the Death Cure was my least favorite. I realize it is difficult to basically create an entire world through three books, but I believe that the reviewer was right. In the Death Cure Thomas’s choice to not get his memory back really not ideal after reading over 800 pages in books. We read three books thinking we were finally going to get inside the head of the creators and understand the true purpose of WICKED but, Thomas decides he does not want to remember his past forever leaving us in the dust.

For escape from realism I rated it quite high due to the imagination involved in creating this novel. This is the type of novel you want to read and forget about your own circumstances due to the creativity of James Dashner. the only bullet that the Death Cure does not cover is that Thomas has super natural powers.

I rated clarity a five for many reasons. I never once had to re-read a section due to confusing word choices or bad sentence structure. He clearly got across the messages he wanted, and with great detail to make the reader feel as if they were physically, and mentally there.

All in all the Death Cure was quite a good novel and it was truly hard to put down. But when it is compared to the other novels the reader can tell that the author may not of known really how he wanted to end the book. But I do recommend this book and this series to all ages. It truly is an entertaining read, and one never knows what to expect while reading.

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