Twilight | Teen Ink


November 30, 2008
By Samantha Hill BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Samantha Hill BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today, very few remain unfamiliar with the name Twilight. With its recent adaptation into a movie, this New York Times bestseller has instilled an everlasting love of gorgeous vampires, forbidden romances, and rainy days, into the hearts of millions around the world.

The story, told from the viewpoint of 17 year old Isabella Swan, is about her love for Forks residential vampiric hottie, Edward Cullen. Besides that he and his family look better than models, are extremely rich, and always go hiking on sunny days, nothing else is known about this reclusive family. Bella, inexplicably drawn towards him, makes it her mission to get as close to Edward as he will let her. This embarks the two onto a journey wrought with trouble, and love that will last eternity. That is, if Bella can persuade Edward to turn her into a vampire. . .

While many may argue that Bella’s point of view tends to skip over details and events, the story will nonetheless grip you tight and keep you on the edge of your seat. When reading Twilight, it’s almost as if the characters are right in front of you, acting out the scenes as they happen in the story.

If you’ve finished Twilight already, and are lamenting the unanswered questions, fear not! The story continues on with New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn to finish the much beloved series. In addition, Stephanie Meyer has announced that she will be retelling the Twilight series from Edward’s point of view, starting with a book called Midnight Sun.

In the end, this series will leave you begging for more, as well as dreaming that there really is an Edward for each of us, although some may prefer him without the pointy teeth. It will also leave a yearning, deep inside of you, for that forbidden love that only the star-crossed lovers in stories and movies ever seem to find.


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