Deathlands: Shadow World by James Axler | Teen Ink

Deathlands: Shadow World by James Axler

January 16, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is a great book for those who like science fiction! There is a ton of action with explosions and gun fire. People who like apocalyptic stuff will love this book, apocalyptic stuff such as nuclear winters and baron waste.
This book is about a guy and his group of followers who are chasing after a pack of cannibalistic raiders who stole a valuable possession of the group’s leader. The raiders took off to an old destroyed town. There they came across people from another dimension with power armor and laser blasters. They killed the raiders and took the group’s leader Ryan to their world. There he, a militant soldier, and a mercenary try to escape the military and back to Ryan’s world.

I have gone to other websites and looked at this book and it was rated a 4.5 or higher. People loved this book. Matters of fact, people love all his books; they all had 4.5 stars of higher. James Alxer the author of this book had written over 140 Deathalnds books. For him to make that many must mean it is pretty famous.

A baron wasteland is a big part of this book. If you liked these games Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas or the movie The Book of Eli, then you will love this book. You could not find a series of better apocalypse books out there than these!


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