the boleyn inheritance by ohilippa gregory | Teen Ink

the boleyn inheritance by ohilippa gregory

January 6, 2014
By kat_vestal BRONZE, San Leandro, California
kat_vestal BRONZE, San Leandro, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Philippa Gregory is a well known author of historical fiction. Most specifically, she tends to revolve her writing around the tudor family of England. Most of her stories come from the different perspectives of those who lived with the court during the reign of King Henry the eighth. The Boleyn Inheritance is written from three different view points, that of Anne of Cleves, Henrys fourth wife, Lady Jane Boleyn, sister in law to the infamous Anne Boleyn ( whom henry had beheaded for accusations of witchcraft), and Kathryn Howard, Henrys fifth wife. The book is a semi-sequel to Gregorys critically acclaimed book the Other Boleyn girl. But is more complicated as it is written from three different perspectives. It is flawlessly written, and makes the reader realize the insanity that ruled England.

The betrayal played all throughout the book makes it hard to put down. Philippa Gregory writes as if this wasn’t a work of fiction, but that every single word and detail actually occurred. You realize how unfortunate the life of Anne of Cleves was, from her short and traumatizing marriage to her abusive family. You realize the insanity of Lady Jane Boleyn, whom had her husband executed because she was jealous of the relationship he had with his sister Anne. And you establish the sultry and dangerous behavior of the young Kathryn Howard, who’s promiscuous tendencies had her executed as well. It really makes you wonder “ how terrified were these three women?” and “ what will certain people do to possess power?”

The plot of the book is, to say the least, engaging. It begins with the late arrival of Anne of Cleves from Germany. It is established that King henry’s wife Jane Seymour died recently from birthing the kings only son, and his lack of remorse scares both the reader and the characters themselves. Anne, unfortunately for her, is not favored by the king, so he quickly divorces her for one of Anne’s maids in waiting, Kathryn. Kathryn is soon wedded to Henry, even though she is only a teenager and he is an old man. And the marriage was all according to a plan of Lady Jane Boleyn and her uncle, whom was responsible for the death of the late Anne Boleyn. Jane helps Kathryn cover up an affair she is having with one of the kings' men, in hopes of getting Kathryn pregnant, because the king is infertile. But they are discovered, and the two women are sent to the Tower of London. Jane fakes insanity, but in an unexpected turn of events the king makes a new law so that even the mentally ill can be executed for treason. The story concludes with the two women getting beheaded in the Tower of London. The ending is unexpected and sudden, as you expect the two women to be forgiven. But you cannot rewrite history, and the death of the two women shocks you.

The books gripping plot and keen attention to detail makes it a masterpiece and an adventure to read. Though it is quite long, the amazingly tragic story makes it insanely hard to put down. The Boleyn inheritance is a story that should be read for the ages, and teaches us that we need to learn history, so we dare not repeat it

The author's comments:
this piece is meant to bring into perspective a lesser known genre, historical fiction. i hope that it inspires you to learn about our past, and how man has never been quite sane

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