The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Title of review: the Red Pony Book Review
Number of stars (1 to 5):1

“The Red Pony” is a story that some people like and a story that some people don’t like. Many readers of this story claim that Steinbeck is a great writer. I personally do not like the story. I am going to summarize this story up, and then you will understand why I think the story isn’t good.
Description and summary of content
First of all, the story is broken up into four short stories. They have different scenes. There is a boy in the story that gets a pony as a present. The boy loves the pony and treats it well. He grows much attached to the pony. One day, Jody, the boy, decided to leave the pony outside so it wouldn’t be all tight in the little barn. Well, he was afraid that it would rain so he decided not to leave his pony out. Billy Buck, a worker on the farm told him that it would all be fine and if it rained, he would put the pony up. Turns out, after school, Jody gets back to the farm and see his pony outside in the rain. A couple of weeks later, the pony dies of strangles. The boy violently kills a buzzard that ate the eye of his dead pony. Also, there was a part in the story where an old man came to die on his birth land. His name was Gitano. He spent one night in a bunk and then left with an old horse and died close to the sea. Next, Billy and Jody’s father promises Jody another pony but he has to work for it. They keep that promise and a little over a year later, he’s got a new colt. Later, grandfather came over. All he ever talks about is the old days when he settled people to the west. He always talks about how he was the leader of the people. Father couldn’t take the boredom anymore and he finally snapped. He told his wife that people are sick and tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again. Grandfather felt bad afterwards and the story ends sadly.
I think some parts are very good, but most of the story is terrible. I gave this story one star because of how boring it was. It had no excitement. The best excitement in the story was when he looked for his dead pony and saw a buzzard eat the eye out. Then he attacked and killed the buzzard. Other than that little part, the story was very monotonous.

The author's comments:
I was told that I had to do this because my reading teacher told me to do this. the book was very boring.

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