The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By BryannaCleary BRONZE, Bluefield Wv, West Virginia
BryannaCleary BRONZE, Bluefield Wv, West Virginia
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The title of the book is The Red Pony. John Steinbeck is the author. The story was in the 1930’s in the state of California. The characters in this story are Jody Tifflin, Carl Tifflin, Ruth Tifflin, Grandpa, Billy Buck, and Ginato.
In the beginning of the book Jody got a new horse. His horse was red. They left the horse outside and didn’t put him in the barn and the horse got very badly sick. They tried everything in their power that they could to get the horse better. Billy said he was very good with horses and that he could help. Billy tried to help and couldn’t do it. The next morning when they woke up the horse wasn’t in the barn. Jody went and followed the horse’s tracks and found the horse dead. Later on that day some Mexican asked if he could die on the Tifflins Land. Carl didn’t like this idea so he said he could only stay for one night but he must leave in the morning. When they woke up the next day to go check on the man the man was gone and took the Tifflins oldest horse. That same day they got a later in the mail saying that grandpa was coming in for a visit. Carl hated this idea but Jody and Mother loved it . Later on that next day Carl was in the Kitchen with mother and he was complaining about how grandpa repeats his stories and he talks nonstop. Grandpa walked in. He heard everything that Carl said. He said he was sorry he didn’t realize how boring he was. Carl said he didn’t mean a thing he was just having a bad day.
The story was a good story but I felt Carl never really relaxed on anything. Ruth always was working on things getting things together and cooking and never got a little break. Carl stressed about everything. Also Carl never showed Jody any sympathy. The story was good but has lots and lots of drama.

The whole book was about a life lesson. Everyone learned something. Carl learned not to trust random Mexicans that ask to die on your land. Jody learned lesson he doesn’t even know yet and Grandpa learned that his stories can get boring if he keeps repeating them. Everyone learned a lesson.


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