Ender?s Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game by Orson Scott Card

November 22, 2013
By Kapulei Flores BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kapulei Flores BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game

Alien races called the formics have already attacked earth once and now the government fears they are going to attack again. Their solution to “save the world,” is watching every young kid through a monitor to find the perfect person to lead their army into battle and save the world. The government had their eyes on one particular family, the Wiggins. They thought Peter was going to be a good fit because he is aggressive, but it turned out he wasn’t affectionate. So, they asked the family to have another child, Valentine. She is loving and kind, but wasn’t tough or aggressive enough for battle school. The government ended up requesting that the Wiggins have one more child. He would be the perfect combination of both Valentine and Peter. His name is Ender, and the fate of the world is up to him.

Of course the Director had to cut out certain things and add certain things to make sure the movie was appropriate and that it doesn’t go beyond its time limit.
Such as them cutting out the whole part about Locke and Demosthenes. I think that they decided to cut it out because it would take up too much time and be way too confusing to young children who might watch the movie. Personally I agree with this because I was getting so lost with the politics of the Locke and Demosthenes situation. In the book, Bean and Ender don’t meet until Ender was commanding Dragon Army and Bean was one of the launchies in that army. But in the movie Bean and Ender meet on the flight to battle school. Bean is also put into Ender’s launchie group, which did not happen in the book. I think the Director decided to do this because he wanted to introduce Bean sooner and add him into the story more. They also did not put in the scene on the flight to space where Bernard is hitting Ender on the head with a seatbelt because Ender was the last on to board and had to sit in the front. This of course leaded to Ender breaking Bernard’s arm. I honestly totally understand why they didn’t put this in, because I think it would have been too violent to be able and rate the movie pg13. I believe that is why they also took out the scene where Ender kicked off one of the older boys ear. I think the scene where Ender follows his dreams and the Giant’s Game and goes into the castle and find the bugger egg was better than I expected. I honestly didn’t expect for the Director to actually put a one of the live buggers in there. I really thought that it gave emphasized the movie and gave it just what it needed. I was just glad that it wasn’t one of those sad terrible quality aliens that they have in some movies.

To be completely honest, I thought all of the people in this movie were going to be younger because Ender starts off as a 6 year old in the book. In the movie he looks like he is 10-12 years old. I think the Director didn’t portray them as young children because it would not give a serious vibe and it might look bad to certain adults to see 6 year olds training for a war. That is only my opinion. I am not sure why they decided to do that. However, I do think it helps people my age connect to the movie a little better because we can relate to people our age. It also gives the movie more of a mature feel to it instead of a bunch of little kids playing with guns. To me, the actors in this movie seemed a bit too big for what the movie was supposed to portray. Such as Bean, I thought he would be super tiny compared to all the other boys because that’s basically how they described him in the book. I do however really think they did a pretty good job picking most of the actors.

To me I thought the ending of the movie was pretty weak compared to the rest of the movie. In the book he went with Valentine out to space with the bugger egg. I was wondering why they wouldn’t have him take Valentine in the movie too instead of him going alone. I mean chances are he is not going to return and time soon or maybe ever. I think it would have been a little surprise and all and all make the ending better.

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