Heist Society by Ally Carter | Teen Ink

Heist Society by Ally Carter

January 10, 2013
By MaddyB. BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
MaddyB. BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dr. Suess<br /> &ldquo;Don&#039;t cry because it&#039;s over, smile because it happened.&rdquo;

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: Heist Society by Ally Carter
Title of review:
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4.5

Fifteen year old Katarina Bishop has grown up in a family full of thieves. Her whole life she has been trained and expected to continue the family tradition. By conning her way into a boarding school she felt secure and safe, until her cousin, Gabrielle caused her to be kicked out. Gabrielle snuck into the school and committed the crime of putting the Headmaster’s car on a fountain. Therefore Katarina (better known as Kat) was kicked out of the school, forcing her to join her cousin in a crime to save her father.

Description and summary of main points
Katarina’s father was extremely good at committing crimes without being caught. Though when a man named Arturo Taccone falsely blamed Kat’s dad for stealing five of his famous paintings, her father’s reputation was hurt. When threats by Arturo become as serious as death, Katarina has her father temporarily put in jail to try and keep him safe from Arturo’s clutches. Being known for his major success, Kat immediately went to her Uncle Eddie. Though Kat thought she would receive advice from her Uncle Eddie she was shocked to find that he insisted she stay away from Arturo Taccone. Despite her uncle’s protests, Katarina makes a plan with her trusted friends to find and steal the five painting from whoever stole them and return them safely to Arturo, so her dad will not be harmed.

This book is well written with many surprises. Personally I find that this book is full of action, with a hint of romance. “Romance” meaning Katarina slowly starts to fall in love with a friend she asked to help her steal the paintings.

Not wanting to give away the ending of this fantastic story, I will simply tell you that this book is full of suspense up to the very last page.

Your final review
I tend to think that this book should be given 4.5 stars out of five. The only reason I do not give it five stars is because of the romantic twist, which could prevent some men from reading it. In conclusion, whether or not you are a male or female I feel that you will enjoy and appreciate this book.


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