The Daybreakers by louis L'amor | Teen Ink

The Daybreakers by louis L'amor

January 10, 2013
By download BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
download BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
war does not determan who is right - only who is left

How would you like to live in the old west? With a trust worthy sibling to back you up when you needed it. This is the story of Tyrel Sackett and his brother Orrin Sackett.
The two brothers move west to Santa Fe Montana. Bringing justice was ever needed. Tyrel Sackett could be the fastest gun fling er around. And is brother Orrin is a close second. They do the best they can to survive. They have people looking to gun them down so they are always on guard.

This book will show you how two brothers start off running from the law to running the law. They bring justice to any one who does something wrong and try there best to get the criminal.
These are two guys you don’t want to meet if you break the law. If you’re on the good side of the law you will want them to back you up. They are probably the two best guys you’ll meet.
This is a very good book by one of my favorite authors.
Louis L'amour is an amazing western writer and he has made tons off book. He is one of the main reasons why I read and this book was my favorite. If you read this book you will feel like you’re in the west I know I did.


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