The Escape by J.B Stamper | Teen Ink

The Escape by J.B Stamper

January 8, 2013
By shawn bailey BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
shawn bailey BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know anyone who has been in solitary confinement? In this book, Boris is confined in jail, and he is trying to escape. He found a brick in the wall that was unusual. He took it out, and he found a note. The note was written in blood, and it had directions about how to get out of jail.

I thought this was a really good book. I was able to make a connection, because my dad is in jail for a long time. I hope he finds a note that will help him get out of jail. This book gave me hope for my dad. J.B. Stamper used a lot of descriptive words. The characters seemed to come to life because of how they were described.

You will have to read about whether Boris escapes or not. I hope you are not afraid of rats!

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