Swindle by Gordon Korman | Teen Ink

Swindle by Gordon Korman

January 8, 2013
By khyree allen BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
khyree allen BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Swindle is an exciting book for people who like mystery.
Two boys are trying to get their collector’s baseball card back from the pawn shop. The pawn store owner wouldn’t give it up. So, they decide to steal it back. They need the security code to break in, but only have one chance to get it or it’s the big house for them. They actually get all of the numbers except one. They have to decide if the last number they need is 4 or 7.
I think personally that this is a good blood pumping, heart pounding book to read for anyone who is in to mysteries and if you like people that have a Swindle personality.
I think the author achieved his purpose. The dialogue I think is the strength. I personally think there were no weaknesses. This was a very interesting book for me and I would recommend this book to others.
This book left me with a sense of joy and suspense.

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