the tale of despurox by stefanie myers | Teen Ink

the tale of despurox by stefanie myers

January 8, 2013
By Anonymous

This is a delightful tale about how the smallest people can be the biggest help and how the lower class people can be the most important.

This book is about a little mouse, a little girl, and a princess and they all have different stories that somehow correspond with each other. The little girl’s name is Miggery and she has always wanted to be just like the princess. So, one day Miggery ran into the princess, and Miggery has a lot of bad childhood memories and bad stories, she told the the princess all of her bad stories and the princess felt so bad for her, that she let Miggery stay with her at their palace.

This is where Despurox comes in. So Miggery and the princess were living in the palace and one night Miggery got hungry in the middle of the night and she went down to the kitchen to get some food. Little did she know, that there was a little mouse family living in those walls and they only came out at night because they knew that everyone was sleeping. Miggery was walking down stairs and she thought she heard a noise but she just ignored it. When she got in the kitchen she screamed because she saw little Depurox walking about and she tried to kill him she came very close to killing him. Luckily she didn’t… but she did cut his tail off.

I actually really like this book because it kept me interested and it had a very good message. I would recommend this book to some people but not all because when I like a book, it’s usually kind of a weird book. But this is a book that get more interesting as you read it.

In conclusion, this is over all a good book and should read it because you can learn a great lesson from it and it will definitely keep you interested.

The author's comments:
this is itneresting

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