Girls From Da Hood by Nikki Turner | Teen Ink

Girls From Da Hood by Nikki Turner

January 5, 2013
By Imani Mack BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Imani Mack BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
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Do you like books with lots of drama? Then, you should read Girls From Da Hood by Nikki Turner and Chunichi, the author Nikki Turner is the queen of hip-hop fiction. She also became one of the top 10 best sellers and also the lead writer the best selling anthology her first two books were sold from small business and then she became bigger and more popular writer. The author witnessed situations happening and so she wrote the book based on it. Chunichi is an African American writer who worked with many good authors while writing her books, so her books received good ratings. The author’s purpose through theme is to get the young girls off the streets. The authors also show them if they keep doing what they doing, there will be a negative impact that comes with hanging on the street and doing illegal things.

The setting of the book is Virginia where the ghetto area is in the hood. There are three main characters: Unique, Nina and Anyeh. They are the three baddest girls in the neighborhood that you would ever want to meet. Each character is basically being played by their boyfriend and is depending on some man to save them, but the men are always going to jail. So while their men are in jail, they don’t know how to act or how to provide for themselves. Consequently they go around and try to make money in other ways that they are not supposed to especially if they have kids.

The author's comments:
The point of view of this book is third person. The authors never actually experienced or been through this situation, but they’re just writing it based on what they see on the streets. The effect that the point of view has on me is that it shows me how other people look down on hood girls. The book not only shows the role of girls but it shows how people react and think of girls that depend on a man to be there for them.
My favorite passage is when the girl gets arrested because after she came out she learned to stop depending on people. She also learned how to provide for her and her family on her own and with her own money (page 142). A conflict is baby mama drama. For Example, the girls were fighting another girl for their men especially when the men were in jail. It was sad because no men are really worth fighting for and they were only fighting for him because they didn't want to lose the men or the money.

This book is very worth reading if you really love drama and very fascinating books. It caught my attention and when you read it you learn a lot. The book affected my life because it taught me to never depend on others when I get older and to know how to provide for myself. It changed the way that I view life because out in some places it’s hard to be on your own. It also changed the way I view life because now I know to take everything serious I do in life because it affects who I will be later in life and how the rest of my life will turn out to be.
I would recommend this book to kid my age and just teenagers-period. Girls From Da Hood will change the way teens carry themselves and it will change their way of thinking. Nowadays, teens think everything is about boys when it’s not always liked that. If they keep thinking like that, their life is going to be messed up. This book will really change them in a positive way and lead them in a right way. I agree with the authors’ approach to the novel because girls out here need to wake up and get themselves together. This connects to my life because my cousin is a teen mother and depends on men. It’s not only affecting her, but it’s affecting the whole family.

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