A corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin | Teen Ink

A corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin

November 29, 2012
By Amairani Luevano BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Amairani Luevano BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A corner of the Universe

Imagine learning about an uncle you never knew existed. In A Corner of the Universe, Hattie Owen meets an uncle she never knew she had; during the summer of her 12 birthday. Adam, who is now 21, was a family secret but Hattie learns to love him. He is closer to her age mentally than most adults, by his mental problem, and shares his endless enthusiasm for new experiences with her. The arrival of this unexpected guest changes Hattie’s life forever. It helps her find her own corner of the universe.

Ann M. Martin main characters shine in this young adult’s novel. Adam has an immense ability to deal fairly with most of his life obstacles due to his mental illness, schizophrenia. He is able to accept and even understand his parents’ continual overreactions to his adventures. He overcomes the list of insults by the habitants of Millerton. Hattie’s standards of fairness, tolerance and understanding are severely challenged after Adam’s arrival. These two characters, also, share an exterior conflict, their similarities teach us, the reader, a lesson of life. You might have much more in common than you think with people who appear to be completely different.

It is a fabulous writing about a difficult subject, mental illness. It has a way of bringing across this tender and scary issue in a most gentle and clean way. This great story is seen through the eyes of this very young girl, Hattie, with so much detail it makes the reader feel right there watching all of this happen. It is a roller coaster of emotions, coming from the powerful characters and plot surprises, it makes you laugh and it also can make you cry by the heartbreaking ending. Adam’s tragic death is a surprise not just to the characters but to the reader, the death of the most important character of the story thoughts a life lesson and family values, it makes the reader think different about people with mental disabilities.

This book is appropriate for everyone and I would recommend everyone to read it. It is one of the best stories I have read! The title definitely fits the story, once you start with the fist page you will want to know how to lift the corners of the universe. Just like Hattie learns from Adam,” It’s all about changing what’s handed to you, seeing what’s underneath. And life is always more interesting that way” (p.189), after reading this amazing story lifting the corners of the universe is not an issue.


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