Looking For Salvation At The Dairy Queen by [Susan Gregg Gilmore | Teen Ink

Looking For Salvation At The Dairy Queen by [Susan Gregg Gilmore

November 4, 2012
By BobbiJames PLATINUM, Tunnel Hill, Georgia
BobbiJames PLATINUM, Tunnel Hill, Georgia
33 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Sometimes you have to start from the end to get to the finish line. To many of you, now that may not make much sense, but to Cathrine this means a lot. To find out who she truly is she has to start at the end to get to the finish line. This book all starts back in the old days when Ringgold Georgia only had one traffic light and very minimal population. Well cathrine grows up in Ringgold her whole life. She meets a boy and of course young love, they fall in love blah blah blah. Then the big day cathrine turns 18 years old. She is ready to haul butt down to Atlanta. Really cathrine finds that this may be what she wanted, but not what was best. Her lesson of life, always think of others before you think of yourself. Seeing that the 2 girls had no mother the 2 girls always looked at Gloria jean as a mom. Not vryone appreciated her colorful taste. That all looked different to Martha and Cathrine. The secret that their dad has hid for years goes with him to the grav. What was that secret? Was he really true to the Lord? Whose Baby is the Sunday school teacher having? How many dirty secrets did this preacher take to the grave? 1,10,20,maybe more.

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