Football genuis by Tim Green | Teen Ink

Football genuis by Tim Green

October 10, 2012
By Kyle Kaufmann BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
Kyle Kaufmann BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Football Genius is a very inspiring book by Tim Green. The Conflict of the story is where this kid try's to show the Alanta Falcons his special skill to read he other teams plays. So he try's to make a plan that will try to get him to the Alanta Falcons manager to tell him his special skill. The setting is present time.

The main characters name is Troy he is a very nice kid who try's to help his mom to make her life better. Troy plays for his football team he is the second string quarterback he is a very good quarterback but he does not play cause the dad is the coach so he does not play. Until someone else becomes the coach and troy plays amazing. He takes the team all the way to sectional. I think this book was marvelous So I hope that other people will like his book to.


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