The Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

June 7, 2012
By Emma Hardie BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
Emma Hardie BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
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The Mockingjay
By: Suzanne Collins

The fate of Panem is determined in the Mockingjay, the final chapter of the Hunger Games trilogy. The Mockingjay explains what happens after Katniss destroys the Capital’s Hunger Games ritual. Katniss Everdeen is a troubled teen that must face treacherous heights to save her family and friends, along with the rest of Panem from destruction. People are split into districts that have certain qualities and Katniss, her mother, and sister Prim all live in district 12.

In this exhilarating fantasy you follow Katniss through her journey to defeat the horrid president of the capital, President Snow. The first book, The Hunger Games, grabbed me in with excitement with every flip of a page. The Mockingjay is the end of the hit series. See what will become of Katniss, the districts, the Capital, and the Hunger Games. Questions from the former books will also be revealed, such as the mystery of District 13.

The Mockingjay leaves you clueless on what will happen next; a new twist creates its way into each chapter. I love this book; it builds suspense within every page. You will never be able to anticipate what will happen next. I also feel you can really relate to the characters in this book once you start reading. I recommend this novel to people who enjoy horror and action; however, some scary and sad sequences occur during this book so younger children should steer clear. If you are searching for an intense, suspenseful book, read The Hunger Games.


4 out of 5 stars


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