Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

June 7, 2012
By BTRFA BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
BTRFA BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way out is through"

Catching Fire

SBN 00-439-02349-1

“Katniss Everdeen girl on fire”, won the hunger games with Peeta Mellark. Now home to her family and friends, Katniss wants everything to go back to normal. She made a huge choice when she pulled out those barriers. She will soon have to face consequences to her actions. Katniss will have to juggle many emotions and actions thought the book.

Book two of The Hunger Game series. Suzanne Collins has created a thriller with romance twisted into it. There is suspense in every page. Katniss will find out what happens to Pamen. She has developed the characters so well you actually feel like you are one of them. You can relate to these characters. Every detail in this book has made it better. It is amazing that she can write such is an amazing series.

This book is so good. I love it, couldn’t put it down. I felt like I was obsesses with it. At times you just can’t get enough. When Peeta said something (I won’t say what he said), I was like, “What did he really say that”.

I recommend this book to anyone who like high adventure and intenseness moments. It can be confusing at sometimes. But after you read it a couple of times then you start to get it. When the 75th hunger game happens it gets really confusing. If you saw the movies first then you miss some really good parts. Read the books first then the see the movies. If I had to rate this book it would be 4½ outof 5 stars.


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